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  • Academic Master Plan
  • Environmental Scan
  • Campus and Community Survey
  • Instructional Space Utilization Study
  • Academic Program Assessment
  • Facilities Conditions Assessment
  • Capital Project Implementation Plan
  • Campus Development Planning

Greenville Technical College (GTC) in Greenville, SC serves a diverse cross-section of students and educational needs. JMZ identified and evaluated the College’s short- and long-term space needs through an academic master planning process. The resulting plan established a framework that prioritized capital improvements in support of the College’s mission, role in the Upstate region, and future educational plans. Key elements included a comprehensive environmental scan, an academic plan, detailed space needs analysis, campus concept plans, and a strategic facilities implementation plan for each campus.

A key focus of the plan was to ascertain how well GTC’s current academic programs were aligned with the needs of manufacturers and other businesses in the Upstate region and to make recommendations for improvements or additions to the College’s current offerings to more effectively serve area employers. Industry-specific focus groups were used to identify how the College was perceived and what the community would like to see it become in the future. Eleven additional academic programs were recommended.

While general education courses exist at all of GTC’s campuses, the Master Plan recommended consolidation of programs at individual locations to create academically-themed campuses, thus improving efficiency and providing the community with a clearer appreciation of the College’s strategic plan. New and renovated facilities were then programmed to support the needs at each campus.